| Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech
4-H History
Website: | Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech
Map Location: | Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech
4-H clubs
4-H History
Today, may be found in each of the 107 counties and cities of Virginia. The first state office for demonstration work was located at Burkeville from 1907-1916. The headquarters for Extension work was moved to Virginia Tech in 1916 and has been located there since that time. In 1917, a state department was added to the Extension …
READ MORE: | Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech
LEARN MORE: ext.vt.edu
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine
NOTE: Whether you’re interested in agriculture, leadership, community service, or personal development, 4-H offers something for everyone. Join the 4-H movement today and discover the countless opportunities for learning, growth, and fun that await you in your local community. Together, we can inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators to make a positive impact on the world around them.
Listening to farm radio’s weather predictions aids in pest control scheduling.