| Cooperative Extension | The University of …
Mohave County
Website: | Cooperative Extension | The University of …
Map Location: | Cooperative Extension | The University of …
Mohave County
Fancy Feathers & Furs . Contact. Peggy Koehler. pkoehler151960@gmail.com. keatherton1992@gmail.com. This meets. Business Mtgs. – 2nd Thursday of each month, Project Mtgs. – 3rd & 4th Thursday of each month. All meetings are at 6:00 PM.
READ MORE: | Cooperative Extension | The University of …
LEARN MORE: extension.arizona.edu
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine
NOTE: Whether you’re interested in agriculture, leadership, community service, or personal development, 4-H offers something for everyone. Join the 4-H movement today and discover the countless opportunities for learning, growth, and fun that await you in your local community. Together, we can inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators to make a positive impact on the world around them.
Originally posted 2021-05-03 23:49:41.
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