Effective Meetings – Alabama Cooperative Extension …
Website: Effective Meetings – Alabama Cooperative Extension …
Map Location: Effective Meetings – Alabama Cooperative Extension …
or group meetings are the cornerstone of the experience. Ask beginning members or participants what they like about , and they will tell you about their , their new friends, new experiences, and fun activities. Well-planned meetings allow youth to: Acquire new knowledge and share ideas. Develop self-confidence and leadership.
READ MORE: Effective Meetings – Alabama Cooperative Extension …
LEARN MORE: www.aces.edu
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine
NOTE: Whether you’re interested in agriculture, leadership, community service, or personal development, 4-H offers something for everyone. Join the 4-H movement today and discover the countless opportunities for learning, growth, and fun that await you in your local community. Together, we can inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators to make a positive impact on the world around them.
Originally posted 2018-10-21 02:48:06.
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